Header for the Bay Street Climate Report , with the text: A report by the Toronto Climate Observatory, a research hub based at the University of Toronto, found that Toronto’s Financial Institutions were responsible for 1.44 billion tCO2e in 2022.That is almost 100x the City of Toronto’s emissions, and almost 2x Canada’s national emissions. While these numbers are astounding, they are also minimums. Read more about the report and its key recommendation at http://climateobservatory.ca/baystreetclimatemonitor.
Eighteen Toronto banks, pensions and asset managers responsible for financing emissions that are almost 2x Canada’s total emissions, nearly 100x City of Toronto’s emissions. Toronto’s top financial institutions financed over $1.43 trillion CAD ($1.1 trillion USD) in fossil fuel companies in 2022, contributing to at least 1.44 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions- nearly twice the total emissions of Canada, and nearly 100 times the total emissions of the City of Toronto, according to a new report from the Toronto Climate Observatory, a research hub based at the University of Toronto (U of T).